Occoquan Bible Church
Our History

Occoquan Bible Church, Lakeridge, VAOur church came from very humble beginnings. It began on Sunday, March 19, 1995, with four families meeting in a living room. Shortly after that a Steering Committee of seven men was formed to lead the fledgling church and the name Pioneer Bible Church was selected. In April, Community Covenant Church graciously allowed us to use their facility for worship services on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 p.m.

Our first public worship service was on Easter Sunday, April 16. There were 22 adults and 22 children in attendance. Our sophisticated advertising strategy consisted of a small ad in The Springfield Connection and a tiny A-Frame sign that we faithfully posted on Sydenstricker Road each Sunday afternoon. We had so little in those early days, but that did not dampen our enthusiasm. We could hardly wait from one Sunday to the next to see whom God would add to our numbers.

What we lacked in the way of people and resources we more than made up for in firm resolve to uphold biblical principles. Some of those principles include:

* A high view of God: By that I mean a commitment to Jesus Christ as the only head of the church, to whom along is due our uncompromised loyalty.

A high view of the Word of God: We are convinced that the Scriptures are sufficient for all things that relate to our faith and practice. In our preaching, in our discipling, in our counseling and in our daily conduct we believe that the 66 books of the Word of God provide the complete resource needed to bring every believer to maturity in Christ.

A high view of Church Leadership: We believe that the offices of elder and deacon in the local church should only be occupied by men who are above reproach, and that decisions governing the church should be made a plurality of elders, each with equal authority.

A high view of the Local Church: The local church is not a corporation to be run with ruthless efficiency by a CEO. Rather, it is the family of God – made up of brothers and sisters in Christ. It is to be characterized by love and compassion, by encouragement and mutual accountability.

While we were poor by traditional ecclesiastical measures we were rich in that which matters to God. And oh, how God blessed in those early days! Pastor Kyle was called to serve as Senior Pastor and began ministry on May 7. By the end of July, the church had grown to more than 60 people. The church moved to Rockledge Elementary School in Woodbridge and the name was changed to Occoquan Bible Church. The church continued to grow, and by May 1997, attendance had doubled to over 120. At that time, the church moved to Woodbridge Middle School. Also in May 1997, Rev. Pete Theodore accepted a call to serve as Associate Pastor.

A building committee was formed that year and in April 2000 the church purchased 3.3 acres (the present OBC building location) for $200,000. On November 15. 2004 ground was broken for our new facility and 11 months later, on October 16, we had our first worship service in our new building.

The completion of this building marks the end of a long, nomadic journey of faith in the faithfulness of God, and perseverance in overcoming the obstacles that rented facilities present. It also signals new beginnings for expanded influence for Christ, and new opportunities to exercise faith in the faithfulness of God.

3700 Old Bridge Road

Phone: 703-878-4673
Fax: 703-492-4556
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